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Ubiterra Selected For Colorado Advanced Industry Grant

By November 25, 2020October 26th, 2022No Comments

ZoneVu® Recognized As Breakthrough Cloud Product For Horizontal Drilling

Denver, Colorado – November 23, 2020 – Ubiterra announced today that it was awarded a Colorado Advanced Industry Grant as a part of a competitive selection process of more than 100 applicants for funding from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT)’s Advanced Industries Accelerator (AIA) Grant Program.  The AIA program was created in 2013 to promote growth and sustainability in Colorado’s advanced industries by driving innovation, accelerating commercialization, encouraging public-private partnerships, increasing access to early stage capital and creating a strong infrastructure that increases the state’s capacity to be globally competitive.

“We are pleased to be recognized by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade as a leader in technology and innovation for the state”, said Peter Flanagan, Ubiterra CEO.  “As a Denver-based company we are committed to working with our clients, including many here in Colorado, by leveraging our powerful cloud-based technology that allows users to effectively geosteer and remain in the pay zone while drilling horizontal wells.  By having a real-time geosteering tool that is tied into to all of the subsurface data including 3D seismic, our clients are ensuring that they are drilling the most efficient, environmentally conscious and economic wells. This capital helps us further that mission and helps Ubiterra do its part to ensure that Colorado remains a leader in energy industry software technology.”

The State of Colorado press release is available here:

About Ubiterra Corporation – Ubiterra Corporation (, founded in 2012 and located in Denver, Colorado, is a group of E&P professionals and programmers innovating cloud software for the resource play revolution. Ubiterra’s flagship product, ZoneVu, is a real-time drilling visualization and geosteering app which is used by energy company asset team geoscientists to drill more productive horizontal wells.  ZoneVu is browser app that runs in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

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